Do I Qualify?
Simply put…in addition to meeting federal law requirements, you must:
1. Be 18 years of age or older.
2. Not be disqualified from possessing a firearm by state or federal law.
3. Not have been convicted, charged, or have any currently pending charges in any state or federal court of a crime that is punishable by a term of imprisonment exceeding 1 year or a misdemeanor that is punishable by a term of imprisonment exceeding 2 years.
4. Not have been convicted, charged, or have any currently pending charges for a crime with the use of a firearm or other dangerous weapon against another person.
5. Not have been convicted, charged, or have any currently pending charges for a juvenile offense, that if committed by an adult, would be a crime described in the requirements listed above.
6. Not have been convicted or found not criminally responsible for a crime due to a mental disease or defect.
7. Not currently have a restraining order against you for domestic abuse reasons in any state or federal court.
8. Not be a fugitive from justice.
9. a) Not be a drug user or person with a substance abuse disorder. b) Not have been convicted in a Maine court of any drug crime within the past 5 years
10. Not have a mental disorder that causes you to be potentially dangerous to yourself or others.
11. Not have been dishonorably discharged from the military within the past 5 years.
12. Not be an illegal alien.
13. Not have been the subject of an investigation by any law enforcement agency within the past 5 years regarding domestic abuse.
14. Demonstrate knowledge of handgun safety (Your Maine Concealed certificate of completion)
15. Be of good moral character, as determined by the Maine State Police based on past evidence.